Αξιοποιήστε την τεχνολογία της Trax & τη live διαχείριση πληροφοριών με εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό σε όλα τα κανάλια διανομής και κερδίστε τον ανταγωνισμό στο ράφι!
Δυναμικό Merchandising, Promotion, Audits, Ανάλυση Δεδομένων Ραφιού, Διαχείριση Αποθέματος & καθολική κάλυψη αναγκών εντός και εκτός καταστημάτων.
Επωφεληθείτε από τον άμεσο χρόνο πληροφόρησης μεταξύ της εταιρείας σας και των αντιπρόσωπών σας στα καταστήματα με την εξειδίκευση και ευελιξία του εργατικού δυναμικού μας.

Ενδυναμώστε την αναγνωρισιμότητα των προϊόντων σας, ενισχύστε την παρουσία του brand σας και αυξήστε τις πωλήσεις σας

Γιατί οι κορυφαίες εταιρείες προτιμούν την Trax για την κάλυψη των αναγκών τους
Ποιότητα δεδομένων
Ποιότητα δεδομένων
Μάθετε έγκαιρα τί συμβαίνει στο ράφι
Η επένδυση της εταιρείας σας στα σημεία πώλησης πρέπει να είναι ασφαλής. Με την Trax, μπορείτε να αποτυπώσετε έγκαιρα την πραγματική εικόνα ραφιού και όχι μόνο, να συγκρίνετε τον ανταγωνισμό και να προγραμματίσετε τις ενέργειες της επόμενης μέρας που θα οδηγήσουν στην επιτυχία.

Λάβετε έξυπνες αποφάσεις
Απαρχαιωμένα δεδομένα ραφιού, αποθήκης και καταστήματος δε λύνουν τα προβλήματα του σήμερα. Οι ταχύτερες πληροφορίες και οι άμεσες ενέργειες είναι υποχρεωτικές στους σημερινούς επιχειρηματικούς ρυθμούς. Η Trax παρέχει αναφορές σε πραγματικό χρόνο, με σκοπό τη βελτιστοποίηση της απόδοσης στο πεδίο. Οι ομάδες μας είναι σε θέση να αντιληφθούν τις διορθωτικές ενέργειες που απαιτούνται και να παρέμβουν άμεσα στο ράφι, αλλά και στον υπεύθυνο καταστήματος.

Μετατρέψτε τα δεδομένα σε ενέργειες
Σωστή εκτέλεση στο κατάστημα σημαίνει εστίαση στις κατάλληλες ενέργειες, τη σωστή στιγμή. H Trax σας βοηθά να καθοδηγηθείτε με επιτυχία στο κατάστημα και να βελτιώσετε τη στρατηγική σας με τη χρήση των εργαλείων μας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της AI-powered πλατφόρμας και του on-demand εργατικού δυναμικού σε πανελλαδικό επίπεδο.

Αυξήστε την αναγνωρισιμότητα του brand σας και την εμπιστοσύνη των αγοραστών σας
Η προσέλκυση νέου αγοραστικού κοινού είναι το κλειδί της επιτυχίας κάθε επιχείρησης. Διοργανώστε εκδηλώσεις στο κατάστημα, προωθητικές ενέργειες ή γευσιγνωσίες και δημιουργήστε μια αξέχαστη εμπειρία για τους πελάτες σας. Αυξήστε την αναγνώριση της επωνυμίας και χτίστε την αφοσίωση των πελατών σας, ενώ παράλληλα συλλέγετε δεδομένα για τη συμπεριφορά και τις προτιμήσεις των καταναλωτών.

30 από τις 50 κορυφαίες εταιρείες καταναλωτικών αγαθών παγκοσμίως εμπιστεύονται την Trax για την ανάπτυξη του brand τους.

Τα νέα της Trax
Trax completion of a $50 million venture debt investment from Deutsche Bank Private Credit & Infrastructure made headlines in Yahoo! Finance, VC News Daily and other major financial outlets.
The funding enables Trax – which currently serves 32 of the top 50 global CPG brands – to accelerate its investment in Signal-Based Merchandising and continue to revolutionize AI-Driven Merchandising and Image Recognition to drive ROI for brands and retailers.
“We are thrilled to partner with Deutsche Bank, one of the leading global banks,” said Justin Behar, CEO of Trax. “This funding is recognition of the progress Trax is making to serve a broader set of CPG customers in new and valuable ways and supports our continued growth efforts and path to profitability in 2024.”
“Trax is leading the way in serving CPG companies globally on their most critical retail execution needs,” said Alexander Gorokhovskiy, Head of North America Venture and Corporate Direct Lending at Deutsche Bank. “We are proud to partner with Trax and support the next phase of their journey.”

Trax has launched Trax Connector on the Salesforce AppExchange. Trax Connector allows companies using the Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud to use computer vision technology. Companies can assess retail execution to help drive positive shopper experiences, helping to unlock revenue opportunities at the point of sale.
Trax Connector provides Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud customers with many benefits.
Sales professionals can use real-time data to help pinpoint what is happening in-store using our granular retail shelf data sets. The benefit of this is to remove the problems surrounding self-reported data.
Teams can get precision execution utilizing rich data and AI technology designed to target the highest value opportunities, which allows businesses to drive additional ROI for their commercial teams.
Businesses can use Trax Connector to drive unmatched insights, which will help to enrich performance management processes. These processes and advanced analytic models will help generate high-quality, granular retail execution data.
The integration between Trax and Salesforce is simple and streamlined, and the integration can be done simply through the AppExchange downloadable package.
Kishan Chetan, SVP of retail consumer goods at Salesforce, noted: “CPG and retail companies must seek greater insights to drive growth in an increasingly disrupted and competitive environment.” He also said: “Trax’s ability to digitize the retail shelf and provide trusted insights on current in-store conditions directly to sales teams through the Salesforce platform enables companies to make highly informed decisions about their retail strategies.”
David Gottlieb, chief revenue officer at Trax, stated: “Having Trax’s computer vision technology available within the Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud is a win for CPG companies and sales reps.” He said, “Not only does the technology transform shelf data into revenue opportunities for brands, but it allows CPG sales reps to focus on execution rather than data collection which is a more efficient use of their time.”
For those that are interested, Trax Connector is now available on AppExchange at: https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N4V00000IEUbpUAH
You can also read the full press release at Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trax-announces-trax-connector-salesforce-130000000.html
Starting in 2020, one of the world’s biggest CPGs expanded their use of Trax Dynamic Merchandising as a fast, flexible solution to measure and improve shelf space, enable impulse purchases, and gain control in the convenience channel during the worst months of the pandemic. Here’s how.
1.Keep shelves stocked with an on-demand, audited workforce
In total, the Flexforce delivered 27,000 hours of labor over nine weeks, with 10 cases merchandised every hour for a total of 286,000 cases stocked. The cost of the CPG brand’s investment into Dynamic Merchandising was just 10% of the revenue generated.
This was made possible thanks to the on-demand, flexible workforce (or Flexforce) used by Dynamic Merchandising. Unlike the fixed rep merchandising model, Trax’s on-demand workforce follows a three-step process to provide 100% quality assurance for every visit, giving the brand owner complete visibility and traceability over the project’s progress and results. Tasks are assigned to the rep most skilled and suitable for the job, further ensuring quality work.
Importantly, for the CPG, which was urgently seeking to avoid out of stock-induced loss of sales, Trax Dynamic Merchandising was deployed and scaled across the US in just days instead of the weeks or months it takes traditional third-party merchandisers. During one of the biggest availability crises in retail memory, Trax was ready and able to keep shelves stocked for the American consumer.
The use of Trax Dynamic Merchandising has now become the playbook for this CPG when faced with a shortage of frontline workers. In January 2022, as the Omicron variant caused more out of stock challenges, the brand once again contracted the Trax Flexforce with thousands of hours of pack-out relief.
2.Enabling impulse purchases to boost sales
With available shelf space being limited at impulse locations in store, the CPG needed to find an innovative way to grow sales for its products meant for immediate consumption. So, Trax deployed its Flexforce to drive impulse purchases at high traffic locations — the point of purchase — in the outlets of a major US retailer.
With intuitive secondary displays installed in the checkout lanes by the Flexforce, the CPG achieved higher visibility with impulse shoppers. The points of distribution rose from 1,600 to 5,000 and resulted in a double-digit lift in sales across the retailer’s stores. The CPG was also awarded Supplier of the Year by the retailer for the successful implementation made possible by Trax.
3.Gaining control in the convenience channel via real-time data from a wide-ranging annual audit
With Trax Dynamic Merchandising, the CPG was able to audit 25,000 stores across the convenience channel. The data was also received in real-time, compared to other data sources in the channel which can experience a lag of up to six months.
This data audit was of strategic importance to the CPG, enabling smarter category management decisions, reduction in wasted POS materials, and more productive resets.
3.Adapting to changing market conditions and shopper behaviors
Brands and retailers must be able to respond quickly to changes in the market. With changes in shopper behavior and increasing supply chain issues due to a growing labor shortage, both manufacturers and distributors need to rethink their merchandising models.
The major CPG featured here is not alone. Nearly 500 other consumer goods brands (from the world’s biggest CPGs to founder-led and challenger brands) have deployed Trax Dynamic Merchandising since 2020. Every month, the Flexforce calls upon 100,000 stores.
By garnering the ability to fulfil hyper-local activities with precision and measurement, brands and retailers can equip themselves with the right set of tools to win retail now and in the future.
We chose Trax because of their speed, coupled with their merchandising expertise. Trax helped us out of a tough spot -CPG retail merchandising executiveWhen the pandemic struck, a major CPG brand needed to provide additional boots on the ground as store staff couldn’t handle the elevated turns in stock needed due to increased COVID demand. The brand turned to Trax Dynamic Merchandising, which was able to cover a wide geographic area — and fast. In just one week during the peak of the pandemic, Trax reached 9,384 stores across 4,295 zip codes to restock 21,000 cases of different SKUs.

Trax’s unique difference is their ability to react quickly, within a week, and touch the entire country -CPG retail merchandising executiveThe convenience channel is tough to manage given the pace of change and the vast network of stores and lack of reliable, timely data. In addition, COVID-19 led to a switch in shopper behavior — they started using the channel for making regular home goods purchases instead of just on-the-go convenience. Amid this landscape, the CPG needed to conduct an audit of the convenience channel to measure contract compliance by the retailer regarding space and range, and to identify equipment and point of sale (POS) opportunities.