Blog Articles

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Case Study
Store closures and slim margins continued to haunt grocery retailers worldwide in 2019, but the year also saw the rebirth of technology. Battling a highly competitive landscape, br...
Case Study
Computer Vision (or image recognition) technology is now being used by many consumer goods manufacturers to both save sales representatives time in the store and get a more accurat...
To grow, brands must come readily to the shopper’s mind at the point of purchase, and products should be available at the right price and the right place. The pressure on manufacturers to rethink their retail execution practices is massive, and the time to evolve is now.
Case Study
When visual artist Danielle Tay entered the Trax Singapore office, she sensed an unmistakable air of cheer and positivity. The people, the ambiance and the facilities all embody wh...
Case Study
Traxers from UK come together to embark on a tough cycling expedition in support of the brilliant and lifesaving work of Children with Cancer UK, a charity that strives to improve ...
Case Study
After cost of goods sold, promotions are the second-largest item on a CPG company’s P&L, and account for up to 25 percent of revenue. However, many of these in-store promotio...
A survey conducted by Quri (now a Trax company), the Popai Compliance Initiative shows a clear disconnect between CPGs’ estimate of display compliance versus store reality.
Case Study
High performance in any area of life is about identifying – and optimizing – the drivers of success that are relevant to your area of expertise. Want to become an Olympic sprin...
The retail landscape today is characterized by a proliferation of SKUs, an increasing number of smaller stores, and shrinking total available shelf space. Shoppers are spending less and less time in front of fixtures. CPG companies invest a lot in creating the “picture of success”, a set of shelf standards that enable them stand out from the crowd, grab shoppers’ attention and convert category shoppers into buyers.
Case Study
Crowdsourcing in the retail environment has emerged as a novel method for consumer goods companies (CPGs) seeking to drive more value out of their field force.  Follow these eight...
Case Study
CPG sales teams have long known the benefits of targeting the right stores and the right products and taking a disciplined approach to supporting in-store execution. However, few C...
Case Study
Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies pay retailers substantial fees to be in store, improve placement and run promotions. These slotting, display and pay-to-stay fees can quickl...
Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies pay retailers substantial fees to be in store, improve placement and run promotions. These slotting, display and pay-to-stay fees can quickly add up, impacting your bottom line. In an earlier blog, we discussed how, to achieve ROI on these costs, CPGs must ensure that they get the space they pay for and secure the best possible execution outcomes.
Case Study
Shelf space is a hot commodity, and CPG companies often incur substantial costs to get their products in-store, secure premium placement, and run promotions. It’s critical that ...
Case Study
A leading consumer packaged goods (CPG) company found that its revenue increased by 13% in stores where it implemented a Perfect Store strategy. In this blog, we outline what a Per...
A Perfect Store is one in which consumers can find the right products in the right location, with products presented in the best possible way to influence buying behavior. To achieve this, CPGs design and execute shelf standards that translate shopper-centric insights into practical, scalable and repeatable in-store-execution guidelines.
Case Study
It’s an accepted fact that about 2/3 of shoppers only decide what product to buy when they are in-store at the fixture.  Ensuring that the category fixture is “easy to shop”...